Get Cash Advance Services without Collateral and at Minimum Rates!

Instant cash on hand is every merchant’s point of relief. We provide merchants in the USA with quick cash advance services. Its calculation depends on the merchant’s credit card sales and its criteria differ from that of the banks.

When your application for a cash advance is evaluated, your credit card payment invoices will play an important role. As a merchant, a good credit card rating and a past record calls for a successful cash advance application. Also, the expectation that the advance will be repaid on time is based on such decisive factors.

Merchant Cash Advance Holdback System

The repayment process of merchant cash advance is based on the Holdback system. Every time a card transaction is made, a fix percentage of the transaction amount is deducted and levied from the merchant’s account. This holdback system continues up to the end of the repayment process when the entire cash advance amount is repaid with interest. Overall, the cash advance program at VitreousPay is designed to benefit merchants and help them in the time of need.


Various types of Cash Advance Features

Rapid Approval

Receive a prompt approval for your merchant cash advance application.

Instant Cash

Only up to 7 business days for your cash to arrive.

No Collateral

There’s no requirement to provide collateral for the cash advance services

Easy Repayment

Just pay from what you earn – No Pressure.

You Pay Only When You Earn

That’s right! Once you’ve received your cash advance, you never have to worry about repaying it! Automatically, a negligible percentage of the amount you earn through card payments will be levied. Hence, higher sales mean faster repayments whereas, not-so-fine sales means repayments at your own pace! Our cash advance program is going to be a win-win situation for you and your business.

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